Privacy Policy

1. Purpose

This document is a statement of the basic policy of CHOWA GIKEN Corporation (CGC), (hereinafter called "we").
Hereafter, we will position this document as the foundation for the protection of personal information.

2. Basic Statement

As a provider of information system solutions, we believe that personal information is an important asset of individuals and that its protection and appropriate use is a fundamental part of our business activities as well as a vital social responsibility. We will take measures to ensure that personal information is not handled beyond the scope necessary to achieve the specified purpose of use, and we will handle personal information appropriately in accordance with the prescribed rules for acquisition, use and provision of personal information.

3. Disclose to third parties

We will not provide personal information to a third party unless we have obtained the consent of the individual or there is a legitimate reason to do so by law.

4. Compliance with Laws and Regulations

We will comply with the laws and regulations, guidelines and other standards set by the government regarding the handling of personal information.

5. Countermeasures and measures

We will take measures to prevent the leakage, loss or damage of personal information held by us and take the necessary corrective measures.

6. Establishing a contact point

We will set up a complaint and consultation desk for the handling of personal information and the personal information protection management system.

7. We operate a personal information protection management system based on the JIS standard (JISQ15001), and we will continuously review and improve it.

Established date: July 1, 2018
Last revision date: September 20, 2023

CHOWA GIKEN Corporation (CGC) Managing Director
Takuya Nakamura

For inquiries about the Privacy Policy
Hokudai Business Spring, 2 Kita 21 Jo Nishi 12 Chome, Kita-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido, 001-0021 Japan
CHOWA GIKEN Corporation (CGC) Personal Information Protection External Relations Desk

Personal Information Protection External Relations Desk
Tel: 011-717-7017  Fax: 011-768-7417

Email inquiries

Handling of Personal Information

1. Our Company Name

CHOWA GIKEN Corporation (CGC)

2. Purpose of Use of Personal Information

We will acquire and use personal information for the following purposes.

  1. Distributing information and providing information about our services
  2. For advertising, promotion and sales promotion activities related to our business and services
  3. For providing marketing research, analysis and analytical data for our services
  4. For responding to various inquiries
  5. For contacting customers, fulfilling contracts, requesting performance
  6. For fulfillment of tasks entrusted to us by our clients, such as system development, operation and maintenance
  7. For recruitment screening for applicants and contacting them
  8. For confirming the skills and abilities of subcontractors, etc. to secure engineers and manage personnel
  9. For human resource management, labor management, health management, and safety management for our employees, as well as responses to government agencies and others related to these operations

3. Disclosure of Personal Information, Complaints and Consultation

  1. We will disclose, revise, or delete personal information we have obtained upon request from the customer or his/her agent, except in the following cases.
    In addition, we accept and respond to complaints and consultations from customers regarding the handling of personal information and the personal information protection management system at the contact point below.
    1. In cases where there is a risk of harm to the life, body, property or other interests of the individual or a third party
    2. In cases where it is judged to be a significant hindrance to the execution of our business
    3. In cases where it would be a violation of the law
  2. To request disclosure of your personal information, please prepare the required documents for (2) "Request for Disclosure" and "Request for Correction" below, and submit them by mail.
    Please note that we do not accept requests by phone, fax, email or other methods.
    1. Contact information for complaints and inquiries about document delivery and personal information protection
      Postal code : 001-0021
      Hokudai Business Spring 305, 2 Kita 21 Jo Nishi 12 Chome, Kita-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido
      CHOWA GIKEN Corporation
      Administration Department Information desk
    2. Required documents for "Request for Disclosure" and "Request for Correction”
      1. The person him/herself requests the documents
        • "Request for Disclosure" and "Request for Correction”
          Please download the file below and fill in all the required information.
        • Documents for identification
          Please download the "Required Documents for Requests of Disclosure and Requests of Correction" from the file below and enclose a copy of an official document that can certify the person's identity as stated in "the person him/herself requests the documents".
      2. Representative person requests the documents
        • "Request for Disclosure" and "Request for Correction”
          Please download the file below and fill in all the required information.
        • Documents for identification both of the person him/herself and representative person
          Please download the "Required Documents for Requests of Disclosure and Requests of Correction" from the file below and enclose a copy of an official document that is stated in "Representative person requests the documents".
        • "Appointment letter"
          If you are an agent, please download the file below and fill in all the required information.
    3. Fees
      1,000 yen for each Disclosure or notification of purpose of use. Please enclose 1,000 yen worth of postage stamps with Application documents.
    4. Respond to "Request for Disclosure" or "Request for Correction"
      We will send you a written "Response".


Measures taken for the secure management of personal data in our possession

We have implemented measures such as secure storage, data encryption, and backup precautions.

Use of Cookies

We use cookies on our website. While it is possible to restrict the use of cookies in your web browser settings, doing so may limit the functionality or accessibility of certain features or services on this website.